"Terns Over Horseshoe Cove I" 26" x 72" SOLD
"Terns Over Horseshoe Cove II" 26" x 72" SOLD
"Heron & Sandpipers 2017 #2" 20"x 20" "Heron & Sandpipers 2017 #3" 20"x 20" SOLD
"Heron & Sandpipers 2017 #1" 20" x 20" SOLD
"Sandpipers 2017 1a" 11"x14" "Sandpipers 2017 1b" 11"x14"
"Sandpipers 2017 2a" 11"x14" "Sandpipers 2017 2b" 11"x14"
"Sandpipers 2017 3a" 11" x 14" "Sandpipers 2017 3b" 11"x 14"
"Little Blue Heron With Shorebirds" left 20"x20" "Little Blue Heron with Shorebirds" right 20"x20"
"Octopus & Fish #2" 11"x 14" "Octopus & Fish #1" 11" x 14" "Octopus & Fish #3" 11" x 14" SOLD
"Octopus & Net #2" 11"x 14" sold "Octopus & Net # 1" 11"x 14"
"Snow Geese Migration II" 36" x 78"
"Snow Geese Migration III" 36" x 78"
"Snow Geese Grazing" 36" x 52"

"Three Snow Geese I" 22" x 48" SOLD
"Three Snow Geese II" 22"x 48" SOLD
"Three Snow Geese III" 22"x 48"